Tuesday, January 22, 2019

#Shifting - God's Dwelling Place (1.22.19)

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from GOD? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor GOD with your bodies - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Faith Believers,
The temple was the physical place Isaiah referred to when he said that God’s House would be called "a house of prayer for all nations." And, though it had been destroyed and rebuilt - this was the place Jesus referred to as well. The house Isaiah and Jesus referred to was this special, physical place where God’s Manifest Presence was very evident. This was the place where people from all nations, who had a heart to be with this living and loving GOD, would be able to come and enjoy deeper relationship with Him through prayer.

GOD not only dwelt in the tabernacle and the temple, He also dwelt in people. Even in the Old Testament, GOD said, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones - Isaiah 57:15. People have always been GOD’s most desired dwelling place.

In fact, in the New Testament, believers are referred to as being "the temple of GOD," the place where His Spirit lives today. Paul, understanding the significant role of the tabernacle and the temple, said that we (individually and collectively) are the dwelling place of GOD today.

A shift has taken place.
GOD’s primary dwelling place is people.

So now, when we think of the comments from both Isaiah and Jesus, about GOD’s house being a "house of prayer" for all; we no longer need to look for a special place, nor are we to point people to a special place. As GOD's people, whether we are gathered or scattered - we are to be that place.

We are to be His house.
We are to be the place where
     a relationship with GOD flows
     very naturally through prayer.
  -  Marilyn

~ Prayer ~
You have created me to be Your dwelling place.
May I be worthy of such an awesome calling!

Create a spirit of humility and holiness within my heart so that every action, every thought and every word from my mouth reflects Your Son.

Thank You for choosing to dwell within me and help me to be continually mindful of Your Presence.

My deepest desire is to keep company with You forever!


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