Friday, October 9, 2020

Do Not Focus on the Journey. Focus on the Destination..... (10.9.20)

My Child,
When you are walking, or driving on a road, you typically don’t consider who built the road - you only focus on getting to your destination.  In the same way, it is time for you to take your eyes off the situation and trust in Me - The Author and Finisher of your faith - to bring you through.  If you can trust a road made by man, how much more can you (and you should) trust in Me - The One Who made man, earth, nature and everything you see - to lead you to Victory?
Far too often, too many of you have looked at the road I’ve asked you to travel, and too many of you start to question it.  Some of you wonder, why this road?  Some of you wonder - Why do I have to travel on it?  And how long will this journey last?  Some of you sit, wonder, and question Me so much - too much - that some of you forget to do what I Asked you to do.  

Focus on your destination, not the journey.  Put your trust in Me this day, and every day moving forward.  EVERY DAY.  And believe that I Have placed you on the right road.
My Desire is for you to trust that I Have your welfare in My Very Capable Hands.  You must trust that I Have destined you for greater things.  

Walk with your mind focused on the Victory that is waiting for you, and not the journey that is troubling you.  Keep walking in faith.  Keep focusing on your destination.  And I Will open doors that you cannot.  And as you walk and as you focus; then, and only then, will I Tell you where to stop and rest, so that you will no longer get weary on this journey.  If you do these things, your weary days will be over.  You will struggle and tire no more, when you follow My Lead.
Focus on your destination and know that every step you take, brings defeat to the enemy of your soul, and brings you closer to your destination.  

Focus on your destination, and leave the past behind you. 

Focus on Me and trust in Me to provide everything you need for this journey.  

Focus on your destination, and be renewed by the spirit of your mind, so you may prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect, will of Me, your GOD.

Focus on Me and you will see that I Have good, pleasant, amazing, unprecedented, loving, blessed  things waiting for you.

Read and Meditate on God's Word
2 Corinthians 5:7 - (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 

Psalm 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of GOD.

Ephesians 4:23 - And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

Hebrews 12:2 - Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of GOD.

Faith Believers,
There is nothing you will face today
     that GOD can't bring you through. 
So, let your faith be bigger than your fears. 
  -  Marilyn

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