Sunday, March 7, 2021

Love.... and Forgiveness (3.7.21)

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.


Wouldn’t it be easy if we only had to forgive things we found forgivable? But what often happens is that we have to push past the hurt and pain we’ve suffered to forgive someone.

We live in a world that romanticizes love to the point where we forget that in relationships, there will be times when our trust will be violated. We will inevitably be betrayed to some extent. Our hearts will be broken by those who profess love for us.

Love in its truest, purest state is best exemplified when we can look past what we might consider unforgivable offenses and grace others with the same forgiveness that GOD extends to us. In our most unforgivable state, Christ, in the greatest love story ever told, taught us that love has absolutely nothing to do with warm fuzzies and red hearts.

GOD’s great love for us is what drove His Son to Calvary where He, and His Son, proved how much They loved us; taking on all of our sins and shortcomings and allowing Jesus Christ to be nailed to a Cross. Christ forgives us because He loves us. As Jesus' representatives, as GOD's Children, we are called to do as Jesus did, and forgive anyone who has offended us.

Anyone and everyone.
Anyone and everyone.
Anyone and everyone.

However, GOD does not want His Children to associate, nor be in the midst of, evil wicked people who rejoice in doing the work of satan. We must forgive them and place them at the altar of Jesus, at the very Feet of Jesus; for He will deal with them. In Genesis 12:3, the Lord says, I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse them. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and love those who despise you.

~ Pray ~
As we choose to walk in love each day,
help us forgive people
just as you have forgiven us.
In the name of Jesus!

If you are holding a grudge or a grievance against someone, take the time to talk the situation over with GOD, invite Him to change your heart and give you the desire to forgive them.

Then ask Him to show you how He wants you to demonstrate forgiveness - and His Love - to that person.

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