Friday, May 18, 2018

Deliver Us from evil & Thy Kingdom Come..... (5.18.18)

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. - Matthew 6:13

Faith Believers,
To pray this prayer is to enter into the field of battle, to partner with GOD in reclaiming our fallen world, taking it away from the false ruler of darkness and returning it to GOD the rightful King. The enemy’s weapons are hatred, strife, evil, despair and anything that produces distraction from GOD’s purposes.

The weapons of the believer should be to focus on GOD’s Kingdom, and be empowered by GOD’s Spirit, as we pray. Such things as loving, serving, praying, helping, healing, obeying GOD’s inner promptings, and reclaiming goodness in the midst of despair should be our focus. According to the apostle Paul, the main weapon in the battle is “truth,” both the truth of the gospel and Jesus Christ, who Himself is the Truth (see Ephesians 6:14 and John 14:6).
But now Christ is risen from the dead. The end will come when He delivers the kingdom to GOD the Father, when He puts an end to all rule, all authority and all power. For He must reign until He has put all his enemies under his feet. - 1 Corinthians 15:20-25.
When we pray “Deliver us from evil,” we invoke the power of GOD to deliver us from bondage. We upheld His Name as hallowed and immediately prayed for the power of GOD’s Kingdom to overtake and vanquish the evil found on earth.

It is clear that GOD is working through our prayers to cast out all evil, all wicked influence, and even the evil one himself, in order to replace all of these with His Own benevolent rule of justice, grace, mercy, and peace.

By praying “your kingdom come,” we declared war on the forces of darkness and align ourselves with GOD.
- Marilyn

~ Prayer ~
Lord Almighty,
Ruler of Heaven and Earth,
This world is dark and filled with evil,
     but You have overcome the world! 

My hope is in You, Lord and I am grateful that You
     have delivered me from the bondage of the enemy! 

Thank You that I have the victory to overcome his schemes
     against me and against Your Kingdom.

In the Name of Jesus.

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