Sunday, September 5, 2021

An Excerpt from "Is God Still Good When Tragedy Strikes?" via (9.5.21)

I wanted to share this article with everyone, because so many people are hurting and needing Jesus.

We will never know why GOD allows His Children to experience tragedy and loss. And even when we are hurting, we must continue to trust and believe in His Word.

GOD is all powerful and there is nothing we are experiencing, nothing that He does not have control over. The Lord tell us that "our ways are not His Ways, and our thoughts are not His Thoughts;" so we must trust Him.  If it appears that everything is spiraling out of control (in a bad way); but GOD is telling us, through signs and wonders, that the return of His Son is very near. We are no longer living in the last days.  I believe that we are now living in the last seconds before the return of Christ.  So please do not give up on GOD; because He has all power, and is still in control.

For His Words are true.  And they will not return void, nor unfulfilled.

This article excerpt is taken from

Recently, an event left me grappling with a question that I think has become a rite of passage for the Christian sojourner. “How could GOD allow this to happen? Is GOD really good all the time? If so, why did he allow X, Y, and Z?

My heart was in tatters at the shock of a tragedy that struck close to home, I fought with the Lord, seeking answers to calm the confusion and hurt in my heart. “Lord, if you are good,” I prayed, “why didn’t you stop it?”

The answer? Because we live in a fallen world, and in this world, we will have trials and tribulations, some of which won’t end in our favor.
But is that GOD’s fault? No.
He knows the beginning and the end of each of our lives and while yes, He could intervene, there are times where He wont. Why? 
Because there is a greater purpose at work that we cannot see.

Through the nights as I wrestled with my Creator, here are the answers I found to my question(s):

1 - He Is sufficient: No matter what is taken from us in life, he will always be sufficient for us. (Psalm 23:1).

2 - He Is compassionate: Sometimes the most compassionate choice is not the most comfortable one, but in that, we must trust (Isaiah 49:13).

3 - He Is always good: Even when the fire of pain and suffering strikes us or those around us, He is still working in our lives and their lives.  And He is bringing them, and others, closer to him.  For everything, there is a purpose (Genesis 50:20).


~ Prayer ~

I pray for those who are struggling to understand the reasons You are "allowing" difficulties or tragedies to happen in their lives.
Help them draw close to You with open, listening hearts - willing to learn from You, and trust in You - despite their questions and pain.

You are a compassionate and loving Father; and everything You allow to happen is for a purpose. You are GOD, all by yourself - and there are no other GOD's.

You hold all power and control over this earth and everything that happens within it because there are no other GOD's, at all.
You are GOD all by Yourself and there is no other.

In the Mighty Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, 
we pray and we say.....



Throughout This Day: Continue to thank GOD for His Perfect Wisdom, His Perfect Power, His Perfect Love and His Perfect Goodness. 
Everything He allows in our lives can help us to draw closer to Him and become more like His Son, Jesus (Romans 8.28-29).


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