Wednesday, June 12, 2024

An "Ephesians 6:10-13" Mindset and Lifestyle (6.12.24)

Faith Filled Daughters & Sons,
Please immediately read this message!!!  It is powerful!!!!

I normally would not write this, but this message touched my heart and soul so deeply; because the enemy is real and he has magnified his evil to a level that many humans cannot comprehend. The Good News is,that satan and his followers are no match for our GOD and His Children; but we must believe, through all of the evil we see manifesting in our families and the world, that no one can stand against (nor match) the power of Jehovah or Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Words spoken by GOD throughout the Bible are "true and powerful."

Stand, stand and stand strong on the Words of Jesus!!!!  

GOD is specific. He leaves nothing to chance.

When we ask the question, “When should I pray?” the answer comes instantly from His Mouth: “Pray without ceasing.”
We need to maintain a running dialogue with GOD - everyday and all day long.  In one of the most compelling passages in the Bible, we are reminded of: the enemy we face, the armor we must be equipped with, and - when appropriate - the battlefield where it is clear that we must engage the enemy.  
satan has done a masterful job flooding minds with fake news about himself. he has orchestrated a media diversion by characterizing himself as a funny little character in a red suit with a forked tail. In reality, all power was given to GOD but for those who do not know Christ, the enemy is the strongest, most evil and conniving force on earth, endowed with incredible wicked and evil powers. the enemy is 100% evil and completely devoted to the destruction of GOD’s Kingdom. Again Jehovah GOD is unmatched in power and there is nothing that can stand against the great "I AM."

Jehovah has all power over satan and anything that's attached to him.
Ephesians 6:10-13 states 'Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of GOD, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of GOD so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.' 
The words GOD uses are not random. We are fighting against powers, evil forces of darkness, spiritual forces of wickedness in Heavenly places. While reading this, think deeply about what this means. the enemy is orchestrating movements on earth by impacting nations; and by killing children, families and anything that stands in his way. he is destroying lives in record numbers and it is all driven by unadulterated wickedness.
he has created methods, wiles, and strategies.  Anything the enemy feels will cause total destruction and chaos in your life; he will use. he has specific plans for you, for your mate and children, and this world. the enemy has a database that is more detailed than anything a human mind can comprehend. he knows the exact, deceptive darts to throw at the exact right times - perfectly designed to bring destruction to our lives. 
Please ask GOD, in prayer, to reveal to you the methods the enemy has used and is planning to use against you and your family.  And then pray against any and all victories the enemy will try to claim. 
~ Prayer ~
Father GOD,
the devil is more evil than I can comprehend, and it would be to my detriment to ignore him or think that he will just leave me and my family alone. 
Yet, I know that You have overcome this world! I know that greater are You, living in me, than he who is in this world! 
Most of all, I know that the devil is already defeated through Your Son's Sacrifice on the Cross; and that You have Victory, and we have Victory, over all of his work!
Thank You, Lord Jesus!  I pray this in Your Mighty Name, Jesus.


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