Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Loving Your Enemy (2.22.22)

Sisters & Brothers,
The author of this article is Alvin Altergriend. I love this and wanted to share the story because it's so true; and all of us have found ourselves in this position at one time or another.

Sometimes we find it so hard to show love to those who are full of evil deeds and thoughts, wishing nothing but the worse for you. As the article states, GOD loves them just as much as He loves you, just as much as He loves me. Jehovah will deal with them in His own time; however and in which ever way that He chooses. In the meantime, we must "forgive, love and pray" for our enemies, for those who would seek to do or speak harm to us and for those who are not loving and kind people. Their evil deeds will not prosper because you and I are covered in the Blood of Jesus! No weapon formed against you shall prosper, says Our Lord!!!

Thank God for what you have,
Trust God for what you need.
  ~  Marilyn Chaney

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? - 
Matthew 5:43-46 

I have to admit that my co-worker and I have a hard time getting along. She and I have very different personalities, and we find it difficult to understand each other. On some issues at the office, we find ourselves as opponents, not colleagues. Some unkind words have been said, and, as a result, there is friction. Though we are outwardly polite, underneath is often a feeling of tension.
The situation has not been easy for me to deal with. Daily contact with a person who has sometimes treated me unfairly (in my estimation) and has spoken ill of me to others, is not pleasant. From time to time we have attempted to talk things out, but so far that has only worsened the situation.
For a while resentment built up in my heart. Though outwardly polite, I inwardly nurtured a dislike of my co-worker, and one day I realized that daily, I reviewed a list of grievances. Though I prayed for my co-worker and myself, I was at a loss for what to do. Should I be aggressive and accusing? Should I stuff down my feelings and pretend everything was okay?
Then I read this: The Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth - 2 Timothy 2:24-25.
Those words leaped off the page. I instantly prayed: “Lord, take away my resentful heart. Teach me how to instruct gently, without anger or condescension. Use me in any way You wish, to lead my co-worker to a knowledge of the truth - that You are real and that You love her.”
GOD answered my prayer quickly. He somehow took the sting of resentment from within my heart. (What a miracle the working of the Spirit is!) Nothing has changed in the way my co-worker treats me, but I have a spirit of love and gentleness that was not there before. I no longer feel threatened by my co-worker. Instead, I have a sense of expectation that GOD will continue to work in both her and me.
I am waiting for the Spirit’s opportunity and prompting, and I will continue to pray for peace in our relationship. I am looking for ways to care for her. GOD has a plan for his people, and it is this - to show that he loves all people, even the unjust and the unkind. In order to be mirror images of Jesus, we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. For a graphic example of this kind of love, simply look at Jesus on the cross.
Who in your life has become an irritant, an opponent, someone who seems to be out to get you? Have you asked GOD to send His Sunshine into that person’s life? Have you asked God to pour His Love into your heart? When you do this, trust me, miracles begin to happen.

Prayer Starters for Praying Matthew 5:43-46:

  • Praise GOD for his loving-kindness, which is poured out on believers and unbelievers alike.
  • Ask GOD to show you any times when your love and kindness may have been limited to those who have been loving toward you. Confess those shortcomings, and seek GOD’s Forgiveness, remembering also to forgive others who have wronged you (Matthew 6:14-15).
  • Thank Jesus for the example He gave of loving his enemies.  Commit yourself to following His example.

This article is an excerpt written by Alvin Altergriend

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