Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Securing the Presence of God, with Confidence (2.2.22)

Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!
That the mountains might shake at Your presence . . .
That the nations may tremble at Your presence!
Isaiah 64:1–2

Fellow Faith Believers,
Too often, it can be so easy to get distracted from GOD and caught up in things of little value. When we get distracted, the Presence of GOD seems so far away. Do you realize distractions create distance between us and GOD? When you are experiencing a season of dryness, listen to GOD’s instruction to Moses. GOD told Moses to drive out the enemies.

What enemies are distracting you from the purpose and plan of GOD?

the devil comes at all of us. he comes as a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8) to scare, intimidate, and devour. his goal is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). he is crafty enough to know when he cannot touch us. Then, he tries to get us to compromise, so he comes as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). this angel of light lures us away, seduces us with good things, fun things, until we have left the place GOD has for us. Once away from GOD, we are susceptible to the devil’s attacks. It is your responsibility and mine not to be lured away into the devil’s trap. Be aware, be vigilant, be careful and cautious.
We can begin our day with a lot of religious activity, but if we fail to secure the presence of GOD with confidence, our lives will not be impacted and we will not know GOD’s leading.

We desperately need the presence of GOD in our midst.
It is each Christian’s responsibility to secure GOD’s presence.
Revival is all about the presence of GOD among His people.

How do we secure the presence of GOD?

Do not rush your quiet time with the Lord.  Wait upon the Lord to speak to you. Give Him time and opportunity to speak to your spirit while you are still and quiet before Him. You do not have to be talking all the time.  In fact, the silent listening, the silent basking in His Presence, the asking of Him to "come into the room;" is what we are to do to truly hear His Still Small Voice.  To truly hear what God has to say to us, we must be quiet.  One cannot listen and talk at the same time. 

Wait in silent expectation.
Read the Word of GOD slowly.
Write it out if you need to.

Sing hymns or praise songs to the Lord.

But above all, listen to Him as He sends His Holy Spir
it to speak to and minister to your heart. 

~ Let Us Pray & Glorify Our Father ~

GOD of Glory,
Forgive me for each and every time that I have been so rushed, or distracted by the things of this world, that I forget to acknowledge Your Presence in the midst of living life…for You Are always there. 
Give me the ability to recognize the work of the enemy, as he attempts to make earthly messes, as he attempts to rob me of time and opportunity to keep my eyes from focusing upon what is eternal. 
Help me, Father, to take my stand against his schemes. 
Father, draw me close to Your Heart. 
Oh that I would listen and wait upon You, especially in those moments and seasons of unrushed worship and intercession. 
And that I would seek you first.  Counsel with you first.  TRULY put You FIRST in my life.
Yes & Amen. 

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