Thursday, March 31, 2022

#Steeped in...... FIRST CORINTHIANS #FirstCorinthiansSeason #ComesToAnEnd #AdarII (3.31.22)

Word of God for Today Family,
I thought the journey through Proverbs was deep!!  This journey through First Corinthians has been a truly labor of love.  Delays, roadblocks, re-routing, adjusting, pausing, hitting play, move forward, moving back, figuring out a different way.  All the while, knowing that this delayed posting would be no surprise to God - nor the days that followed.

Sisters & Brothers - we serve a MIGHTY GOD!  We must not forget that.  Ever.  And in the days to come, we will increase our team so that we can maximize our impact and keep our posts consistent (daily) and hopefully, prayerfully - we can also, during this time - encourage you to post, comment and engage with us a whole lot more - here on the blog and on social media.

Thank you for journeying with us through First Corinthians.  But, as it was with the Book of Proverbs -  we would NOT trade it for the world.  So enriching.  So fulfilling.  So uplifting.  So life-affirming.  So good.  So very very necessary.....

We started, deliberately & intentionally, back on January 9th when we posted   #SteepedAndSpendingTime in FIRST CORINTHIANS....  #itIsFirstCorinthiansSeason #Shevat (1.9.22).  Making the decision to delve deep and delve diligently into First Corinthians.

This journey has been "the very best."  Thank you for taking it with us and we cannot wait for the Holy Spirit's guidance as to what book to delve into next.  For your joy, soul/spirit/mind nourishment and your own reflection and refraction - all of the posts that have gone up during this #firstCorinthiansSeason are listed below.  Refer back to it time to time, and we even encourage you to do your own reflection - pick a book of the Bible and dedicate to reading it a bit at a time, until you have read the entire Book.  For there are many things that we can do that pleases GOD, but spending time in His Word is one of the very best things we can do.

~ Rachel Newman, WoGfT Team


Bless and be a blessing.

Enjoy this "walk down memory lane" and reflect on the blog posts (and accompanying graphics) below; and enjoy the recap list of our "extended" walk thru "First Corinthians."



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