Sunday, November 17, 2013

If You Are Going to Succeed, You Must Endure to the End - Quitting is Not an Option (11.17.13)

One of the easiest things for any of us to do,
when it seems like nothing is "going our way",
is for us to just give up and QUIT. 
That's right just "throw up our hands" and walk away. 
At the time, it seems to be the easiest way out. 
And all the while we tell ourselves, "It is the right thing to do.
I have all the reason in the world to quit. I'm justified in my actions."

The enemy of our soul will be there, ever ready to pat us on the back and "console" us with, "You have a good excuse to quit. There are already enough hypocrites in the world. You don't want to be one, too!" 

Or he will say, "Look at all those prospering around you.  They aren't living right, but they are not suffering and distraught like you are, so you must be doing something wrong. You've tried and tried, and just cannot live up to the standards set before you. Just give it up, so you can have some peace."

The one thing "giving up" will NOT give you is peace. 
The decision to "quit" or "give up" will gnaw at you
and haunt you for many long years to come. 
You will be plagued with "what might have been." 

Certainly there are times in our lives when we've truly fought a good fight;
but still did not achieve what we thought we should have. 

When you know you have done all you can,
then STAND on what GOD has promised.

Nearly all of us have seen someone training for a race.
One does not simply "walk off the street" and start competing in marathons.
It takes years and years of dedicated commitment to train the mind and body for such a trial of endurance. Yet such events are earthly, and there can only be one winner.

Our spiritual race is one in which we are running for an incorruptible prize
and it is not limited to only ONE winner.

If you quit you will not have a chance to win.
If you are going to succeed, you must ENDURE to the END.

The Bible says, 'And let us not be weary in well doing.  For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.'  Paul wanted those he was addressing, in his letter to the Galatians, to know he realized the struggles they would face; and that chances are they might even become tired of "living right".  However, he wanted to encourage them to "keep on keeping on" for GOD, because in due season the LORD promised, 'If you faint not, you will reap a spiritual blessing that will far exceed your expectations.'

Wishing you a blessed Sunday,

- Marilyn Chaney

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