Thursday, March 25, 2021

How, Why and When We Fast & Pray .... (3.25.21)

“Why have we fasted, and you see it not?
Why have we humbled ourselves, and you take no knowledge of it?”
Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure.



Faith Believers,
Have you ever prayed constantly about a trial you were facing?

Did you ever extend your prayers to fasting as well, out of sheer desperation for GOD to intervene?

The people of Israel did so, but GOD didn’t respond to their pleas - because their motives were wrong.   Isaiah explains to the Israelites that their double-minded ways have hindered GOD from answering their pleas. The Israelites claimed to desire to know GOD, and performed the outward duties of fasting and serving GOD through sacrifice, but not full heartedly.

You see, they kept their traditions, but as soon as they concluded their spiritual duties, they went right back to the sins they were committing: fighting with others, oppressing their employees, neglecting the less fortunate, etc.

GOD saw their hearts and recognized that their daily actions were not in line with their daily prayers and words and speech.  

And so, with that in mind, let us reflect and focus on our actions vs. words and speech.  Are you fasting, but still holding on to sin? Are you fasting, but so busy with work or other activities, that all you do is give up food but never really pray or take the time to seek out GOD? Are you fasting because you feel obligated to?

GOD wants our whole heart.

When we serve Him half-heartedly, we should not expect to receive any answers to our prayers. And when we make GOD a priority, pray in a way that aligns with GOD's Will, and submit to His Holy Spirit’s leading - GOD will answer our pleas because they will be aligned with Our Father's Perfect Will.


~ Prayer ~
Dear Lord,
Change my heart to desire You
     from my inward being.
Take away all the sin that is
     a barrier to communication
     with You.
And give me the ability to serve You
     in all things.

In Your Son Jesus' Name


'Throughout This Day' Challenge:
Take time to discover if there are any areas where you are serving GOD half-heartedly.
Invite The Holy Spirit to change your heart, and set up a plan to begin working with The Holy Spirit on the issues that are keeping you from GOD, His Will and His Perfect Plan.


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