Sunday, October 24, 2021

Words..... (10.24.21)


Sisters & Brothers in Christ,
The words that we speak have the power to inflict deep hurt and pain on one another.  Once an evil or demeaning word has been spoken to another, you can no longer take it back. It is written in the Bible, life and death is in the power of the tongue. The tongue is the smallest member of our body; but yet, the deadliest.

Everyone will be held accountable for the words they speak about, and to, others.  And GOD hears every word that a person speaks about his (or her) brother or sister. I say brother and sister because GOD made each of us to love one another like a brother or a sister.

Evil deeds and evil words, mean deeds and words, deeds and words that do not uplift, that do not encourage, that are loose and unnecessary and unbecoming - should not be committed against a brother or a sister.

It is almost always true, that people act out on feelings they are harboring in their heart. Others treat you according to how they feel about you; and for hurt and damaged people, they sometimes will treat you how they feel about themselves - disrespecting, demeaning, and unlovingly - often masking that they were 'just playing' or 'just joking.'  But at the heart of it all, at the core of it all - that is not true.  A person who cannot uplift, who spends their time putting people down, is not a healthy and whole person.  GOD is not pleased with their words, actions or thoughts; for what they speak is not true.  And often they know it.  Often it is their deficiency that is the issue, and they try to deflect it, lash out and make excuses that their behavior is okay.  And that others should accept it.  It is not okay.  If GOD doesn't say it about you, no one else should either.  And GOD loves all His Children, just the same.

And at the end of the day, we must pray for; speak to them lovingly, yet firmly; and ultimately forgive, people who speak ill of others.  The reason being is that their heart is hurting or hardened or the enemy has more of a place in their lives than GOD does; and they need the comfort and peace that only the presence of JESUS can bring.  So we must pray.  Pray without ceasing.  And not engage in empty words, false conversations or be a witness to their hurtful words or behavior.  We must pray that their words and actions turn toward love and respect and the way GOD would want us to act.  That they would act and speak in a way that reflects the sacrifice that Jesus made for ALL OF US on the Cross.  For Jesus gave His Life, so that we may be healed, healthy and whole.  Brothers and sisters in Christ ought to know this and act accordingly.  We must be 'the example of Christ' when encountering those whose conduct may reflect 'a moment of forgetfulness' that they too, are sons and daughters of the Most High.

When someone speak hurtful words to you (and of you), forgive them and pray for them. Forgiving them does not mean you have to remain in the environment that they are in, or continue to be the recipient of (or witness to) their wickedness.  You can also love them, and forgive them, at a distance. Take such deeds to the Lord; let Him guide your mind, heart, words and actions; and allow Him to work it out.

Always remember, the enemy will use whomever he can to do his work. the enemy's mode of operation is to kill, steal and destroy. People with an ungodly, double-minded, double-speak, deadly tongue - most times they do not realize they are being used by satan. The Bible clearly speaks about this.  And that satan will destroy them, once he has used them to the fullest extent of satan's purposes.......  Which is all the more reason why we must pray for them.  For their deliverance, and that they would harken to GOD's voice and calling; and not satan's voice and calling. 

And as you pray, ask GOD to guard all your thoughts, and to guard each and every word that proceeds out of your mouth.  So that when you do speak, when GOD releases and ordains that moment, that you can and will communicate clearly, lovingly and graciously with everyone - by the power of the Holy Spirit.


~ Prayer ~
Father GOD,
I need Your Help with making me conscious
     about words I speak to and about others.

Father, I also need help with forgiving those
     who have spoken words to me that were
     meant to be hurtful and demeaning.

Lord, take control of my tongue and my thoughts
     by making me mindful of what I say.  Even in
     those moments when those who are speaking
     hurtful words, are not mindful of what they say
     to or about me.

Let me be focused on what You say about me; and
     what You Say that I should do.  Not my human
     reaction to what they say about me.  Help me to

     not stoop to their level, not to react back; but to
     do and say what You would have me to do.

Protect my mind and heart from words spoken to me, that were meant to be hurtful and demeaning. 

I pray this prayer in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,


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