Saturday, November 13, 2021

Worry. Peace. Joy. Strike. Yes. Amen.... (11.13.21)

My Child,

"Why have some of you allowed worry to steal your peace and joy?

Even when I Bless those of you with what you ask, some of you still manage to find a way to worry about something (or someone) else. Stop that right now, Child.  Right NOW.  Stop it!!  For the enemy knows how to throw thoughts of worry and fear and create double-mindedness in your mind.  To cause you to lose sight of The Vision that I Have given you. For those of you afflicted in this area right now, you must not allow him to do that to you anymore.  Ever.  Today, Child.  Do not allow it.  Anymore.  Anymore.  It must end. It must.

You know that when you worry, you shut the door on faith, and in turn, you shut the door on Me. 

You KNOW this...   If the enemy can keep you frustrated and worried and questioning and anxious, your spirit will not have any peace. MY CHILD, I Did NOT give you a spirit of fear; nor am I The Author of confusion, nor dysfunction.

It is this simple, you must not allow untruths to have control.  

And you must not allow the enemy to have control. Too too many of My Children have allowed the enemy to have control, a foothold or a say, in your daily lives.  Why?  Why?  Do not hesitate to strike with "My Sword of the Spirit" at the very moment that you sense the enemy attempting to attack your mind, your body, your world, your family, your work, your relationships - in any and all area's of your life....  For that is all that it is, an attempt to attack, nothing more, nothing less.  I Have given you a mighty and effective weapon to defeat the enemy....   

My Name.
Use My Name!
It is time to strike.
It is time to strike DOWN everything and everyone that would come against you.
It is time to strike DOWN those moments that you are the one, who is coming against you.

For sometimes it is the enemy, or another person...  But sometimes is it you, coming against you......  Let Us be honest, Child.
My Child, let the enemy know that he can no longer touch your life.

You must not allow worry to take you off the path in which I Have Ordained. Start thinking about those things that are true and lovely (Philippians 4:8), and worry will leave you. You must learn to count it all joy (James 1:2), even in the face of trials and tribulations.

I Know, that at times it can seem a hard thing to do when things around you "appear" to be going wrong in the natural, are going wrong. However, remember weeping only endures for a night, but joy will come in the morning light (Psalm 30:5). I Promise it will.

My Child, I Know that for some of you, worry is a battle. However, the battle is not yours to fight; it is Mine. It is in the Heavenly realm, My Realm; and not in the earthly realm, your realm.  Have faith in Me. I Set you free from worry long ago, some of you seem to want to continue to hold on to the worry.  This is not of Me.  I Set you free from worry long ago.  So let it go. Trust in Me and you will be free to finish the course I Have Ordained for you. But as long as you hold onto the worry, as long as you continue to speak on it, as long as you let the worry have free reign in your mind and access to your Spirit - I Cannot condone, anoint nor take you to the next level as long as you give it "air time;" as long as you keep talking about it and thinking about it and mulling on itFor those are your choices, and it is NOT My Choice for you.  So let go, and release it all to Me.  Release it all.....   I Have set you free from worry.  But you must let it go.  I cannot do that for you, Child.  

I Have made My Name known to you. You know Me.  And of course, I Know you.  And because I Have made My Name known to you, you should know better, Child.  I Wil wait for you, your mind, your words and your spirit; to return to who I Say that You Are.

And now, right now, allow My Peace to minister to your spirit, and keep your heart and mind safe. 

Let My Peace surround you, let My Angels minister to you, let My Love fully embrace you and keep you in perfect peace.  Yes, perfect peace. And as long as your heart and mind stays on Me, you will have Perfect Peace.  Child, stay in that anointing - and not all of what the world is showing you. 

And mind your conduct and your words. 
Take control of your thoughts. 

Trust in Me to see you through this.
I Will not fail you.
I Love you, My Precious Beautiful Brilliant Child.
I Always keep My Promises.
And ALL My Promises are "Yes & Amen."

And Amen.

Read and Meditate on God's Word
Matthew 6:31-33 - Therefore, take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

John 14:1 - Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe also in me. 

Philippians - 4:6-8 Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD. And the peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 
2 Timothy 1:7 - For GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. 

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