Tuesday, May 28, 2013

'Mustard Seed' Faith (5.28.13)

I have come today first to remind you that I have never left you, nor forsaken you, and that My hand has always been upon you. And to tell you it’s time to repent of the times your faith in Me has wavered, and it’s time you believe in Me again. I’m calling you to have mustard seed faith in Me.

Let Me say that again. 

It’s time you have mustard seed faith, step out and believe in Me for the impossible. 

Yes, you must believe that I am who I say I am.

Believe that I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. Believe that when you decree a thing it shall come to pass. Believe when you tell the mountains to get out of your way, believe it will move. Believe that you and your household, shall be saved. Believe that I am the restorer of all things. Believe that everything the enemy stole from you will be restored. Believe that nothing is impossible with Me. Believe, My beloved, believe.  I am a "RIGHT NOW" GOD and I am looking for a "RIGHT NOW" faith.  It's time you believe again.

Whenever I speak to you, believe it and act upon it quickly, for it shall come to pass.  I want you to believe in Me right now for that situation you are facing.  It doesn't matter the circumstance, it doesn't matter what it looks like.  Believe in Me right now, and do not doubt!!

Expect the unexpected to happen, expect great things to happen, as you begin to believe in Me again.

I am a "RIGHT NOW" GOD and I am looking for a "RIGHT NOW" faith.  

It's time you believe again.

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