Friday, May 15, 2020

A Hurt, Healing & Forgiveness Prayer (5.15.20)

Father GOD,
I come to You, in the Name of Your Son, Jesus - right now - asking that You heal my heart; so that I can forgive those who have hurt me. 
I ask for forgiveness - right now - in the Mighty Name of Jesus, that You will take the sin of unforgiveness from my heart. 
I know I must forgive, so that satan will not have a foothold in my life. I know that the enemy uses family, friends and sometimes even strangers; to say and to do wicked, hurtful, hateful, malicious things. I know that too often, the spirit of satan attempts to take over their minds, hearts and mouths; using them in such a way that divides families.  That, too often, those who are hurt, never forgive those who have hurt them; because the words and deeds were so dark and vicious. 
Lord, I do not want to be a person that never forgives the wrong that have been launched against me. 
Heal the hearts of those who are hurting, Lord. 
Help me to recognize that not everyone knows you as their Father, even though they profess to know You with their mouth. 
I do not want to be a part of satans' schemes and wickedness; so therefore, I am asking you to forgive me of my sins.  I am asking you to forgive me for not forgiving those who have hurt me. I want to move forth in Your Glory and Your Wisdom, Father God, leaving behind all of the works of the enemy. 
Father, I pray for my enemies, in the name of Jesus, and I leave them before You; as I work to forgive all who have allowed the enemy to use them.  
Father, You See and You Hear every word that is spoken and every deed that is not of You. The Word Of GOD, Your Word, says that each of us will stand before You, and give an account for our life's conduct - what we say and do - be it good or bad. 
Father GOD, I want my heart to be right before you.   Today, tomorrow and on my final judgement day. 

I want my heart to be right. 
I ask for forgiveness. 
I ask for healing.

I ask for Your Help.  To help me to forgive others.  To help me to move forward.  To help me to move swiftly and effectively into Your Wise Path and Plan for my life; and to defeat - for once and for all, on this day - any influence that the enemy may have in my life.
I pray this prayer in the Mighty Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,


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