Friday, April 8, 2022

One Day at a Time (4.8.22)

Faith Family,
Sometimes we become so overwhelmed with the "so-called negative" things happening in our lives, that we lose focus on the power of Jesus.   While some "negative" attacks may be sent by satan; other "negative" attacks could be God creating a new way, getting unworthy things out of the way, correcting our disobedience (sometimes, it is us yall!), or protecting us from what could be (or was meant to be) way worse.

Stand on GOD's Word; and know that regardless of our situations or circumstances - Jesus said that He will never leave us.

Now stand up, dust off and keep praising Jehovah!!!

Thank GOD for what you have,
Trust GOD for what you need.
  ~ Marilyn

My Child,
You must be strong.
You must take one step at a time.
And you must face one problem at a time.

Do not worry about tomorrow, because I Hold all your tomorrows. You must trust Me, and trust IN Me, to give you the grace to meet every challenge with My Wisdom and My Strength. My Love is more than enough to see you through whatever perceived trials and tribulations you face each day.
Refuse to give in to discouragement and difficult circumstances.

Let Me Say that again, Child.

Refuse to give in to discouragement and difficult circumstances.
Refuse to give in to discouragement and difficult circumstances.
Refuse to give in to discouragement and difficult circumstances.

Trust in Me, and I Will strengthen you and cause you to rise to every occasion.

You will have the victory.
I Will cause you to face each day
     with confidence and faith.

I Have made a way for you to be the victor and not a victim.

Rise up with fresh courage and a new boldness.
I Love you, Child.
Take one step at a time.
Take one day at a time.

 ~ My Prayer Confession ~
Yes, Lord, I will take one day at a time, and allow You to guide me every step of the way. 
I know that You will not put more on me than I can bear, and when the load begins to feel like it is getting to be too much, I know that I am to call upon Your Name. 
I know that You will be right there to help me

Yes & Amen  

Read and Meditate on GOD's Word

Matthew 6:33-34 - But seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow shall be anxious for its own things. Sufficient to the day is the evil of it.

Luke 9:62 - And Jesus said to him, No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of GOD.

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