Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Path of Righteous Prayer (3.24.13)

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - Matthew 6:10

There was a time in my prayer life when I would tack the phrase “Thy will be done,” on the end of a prayer, full of generalities. As a kind of “just-in-case-I-didn’t-pray-correctly” band-aid.  

But as I’ve matured as an Christian, “Thy kingdom come, into this situation; Thy will be done, so that things around us are just as they are in heaven," is my hearts' cry! 

Praying His kingdom into reality and enthroning Him at every opportunity is our highest calling.

His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts - Isaiah 55:8-9.  And like it or not, we are stuck with hearts that are desperately wicked - Jeremiah 17:9

There will always be a tendency to look out for number one and to pray a prayer that seems only to benefit us. Only as we stay in the Word, empty ourselves of pride and constantly ask GOD to help us prioritize our life can we stay on track.

Bind my feet to a path of righteousness in prayer! 
Let my heart and mind be transformed 
to connect with Your will, and Your will alone, Father. 


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