Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Perfect Master Plan (3.14.13)

GOD's definition of "speedily" and ours are not always synonymous. The Lord always incorporate delays into His overall plan.  Delays work perseverance in us. So crucial is endurance to our character development that GOD is willing to delay even important answers to prayers to facilitate our transformation.

We should not interpret divine delays as signs of divine reluctance or denial. Delays are tools to help perfect our faith. Christ is looking to find a tenacity in our faith that prevails in spite of delays and setbacks.

He seeks to create a perseverance within us that outlasts the test of time, a resolve that actually grows stronger during delays and crisis. When the Father sees this quality of persistence in our faith, it so touches His heart that He grants us whatever we ask for if we believe in our heart that he will provide for his children.  Regardless of what a situation appears to be.

Delayed answers to prayers do not mean the things prayed for have been denied.

Only the LORD knows what is best for you. The LORD is a Master Planner! You might not understand why things are happening the way they are right now, but when all is said and done, and you look back at what has transpired in your life, you will see that all things worked together for your good.

Praise the LORD through good times and bad times because He know what he is doing.

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