Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Steering Clear of Evildoers (3.12.13)

I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked. - Psalms 26:5

A short story:
Jeremy knew he wasn't a favorite among his peers. Just about everyone told him so. He wasn't willing to do the things people told him he had to do in order to be accepted by the "in" crowd. He did not want to hurt other people and be a participant in the work of the enemy. He felt that if those were the qualifications for being liked, then forget it.

Sometimes we find it very difficult to say no to evildoers.
It can become lonely when you choose to follow the LORD.
So many people love to do what they know is wrong,
sometimes not realizing that they will surely see their evil deeds again.

The Word of GOD has promised this! GOD calls us to live according to his WORD, and in order to do that, we need to steer clear of evildoers. Call upon the name of the Lord to give you strength and conviction when you are being tested.

He will always answer your call.

Father GOD,
As I come to You in prayer today, 
all around me I see people doing things that are not pleasing to You.
Help them Father, 

and also help me when thoughts of doing wrong to others, 
enters into my mind.
I want to live for You Father GOD.
Rescue me from those who try to persuade me 

to participate in evil doing. 

Fill me with Your Spirit this day, Lord.


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