Monday, June 17, 2013

Come Abide with Me (6.17.13)

If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. - John 15:7

I say to you, abide with Me each and every day. 

Do not look around to see what others are doing, what they have, and what they’re saying. You must not be concerned with that. Stop allowing the voices of the world to draw you away from Me, and rob you of your peace, all that leads to confusion. I have given you specific things that need your special touch, so you must attend to them. 

You must remember My Words to you, and follow them. 
Shut out the voice of the enemy.

Maintain your prayer times throughout the day; honor them and allow no more clutter to come between Me and you. I see so many things crowding your days, causing you to become frustrated and confused. Stop, slow down and a take a look at your life, and re-dedicate it to Me. 

Get your house back in order.

I Am either everything to you, or I am nothing at all. I don’t want pieces of you. Your life must be completely given to Me. My Child, there is no other life apart from Me. You have a decision to make. Choose this day whom you will serve. I pray you will continue to abide in My Word daily, for in it you will find the answers to everything you need. Your peace, your joy, and hope for tomorrow are all in My Word.

So allow My words to live within you and lead you to where peaceful waters flow. 

Trust in Me, take My hand.  
Now lift up your eyes and come abide with Me.

- My Prayer Confession -

Dear Lord, 
I ask forgiveness for allowing the enemy 
to draw me away from You and to disturb 
the beautiful peace that once rested within. 

I make this my declaration to You; 
I promise to abide with You daily, 
to be filled with the presence of Your Holy Spirit, 
so I can attend to the works You have called me to do. 


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