Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Speak Lord, for Your Servant Hears (11.19.14)

Faith Believers,
So how do you learn to listen so you can hear from GOD? 

For me it started with a need to hear from our Father. Good listening starts with the desire to learn. If you feel you can handle life without Him, you will not hear from Him. It is not a matter of setting aside more time, although that would be good, but it is about having silence in your mind. That is the key. The world can be very loud around us, but I can still find quietness in my heart and mind whether in an airport or in the woods.

Remaining silent before GOD does not mean that you will have no thoughts or reflections. It does mean you will stop telling GOD your needs, and say as Samuel did in the Bible, “Speak. Lord, for Your servant hears” (1 Samuel 3:9). 

GOD wants us to come before Him with a clean slate, 
and a humble heart, so we can hear from Him.

  - Marilyn Chaney 

Thank You Lord,
For teaching me how to be still before You.
I praise Your Holy name for speaking in the quietness,
as I wait upon You.

As I still my heart before You, there is always a sense
of Your pleasure that I cannot sense
when I barge into Your presence with my requests.

I long to learn what it means to truly “pray without ceasing,”
in every circumstance of life.
I know that I cannot handle life without You.
Speak, Lord, for I am listening!


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