Saturday, February 2, 2013

Intense Pain, Refined for Purpose (2.2.13)

Your wounds and pain have been speaking to you.

I know your pain has become intense.

It seems as though it will never quit, and you are ready to through the towel in, but I promise the pain will let up. Look at all the pain Moses, Elijah and Joseph endured, and how they wanted to give up, but at the critical moment I stepped in. I never left them, I was with them in the midst of their suffering, it was I who said ENOUGH and pulled them out of the fire.

It was I who decided when they were ready to be removed from the fire. Then and only then were they ready to move on to what I had in store for them. Understand beloved that I will allow you to go through trials and tribulations that you will not understand. 

I love you very much and would never leave you nor forsake you.

I will be there in the fire with you to refine you according to my purpose.

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