Monday, February 25, 2013

Walk in God's Victory and Assurance (2.25.13)

There are times when situations arise that you were not prepared for.
You are caught off guard during these times.
However, just because a situation catches you off guard, does not mean GOD was not aware.

Every situation in your life is seen by the eyes of GOD.  In your life, there are no hidden secrets or plans that GOD is not aware of.  When man says no, GOD is not defeated.  Just because someone sets a trap for you, it does not mean that GOD will fall into that same trap.  Just because someone hurts your feelings with harsh words, it does not mean that it will hurt the Lord's feelings as well.

What am I saying to you?  Simply this, when men hurdle attacks at you, these attacks will never work on the Lord. The Bible declares in Genesis 18:14, Is any thing too hard for the LORD?  Man's denial of you, does not hinder GOD's approval of you. GOD does not need man, but man definitely needs GOD.

If the LORD has a blessing for you, He will ensure that you get it.  No one else will receive this blessing but you.  Walk in the victory and assurance of GOD today. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Do not live your life hoping that man applauds or approves of you; but do show everyone respect and love, the way the LORD has told us to do. It is necessary and important. Only what you do for Christ will last though.

When man says "no", GOD can still say "yes". There are many things you have accomplished in your life that were not approved by man. Truthfully speaking, man did not think you could achieve it. But the Lord knows  all that He has placed deep down inside of you. There's an anointing within you that surfaces when others say you cannot do something.

You are divinely selected by the hand of GOD to accomplish great works. When man says "no", remember GOD is still in control. Ask the LORD to help you to live your life to please and honor Him.

You can do all things, through Christ, who gives you strength.

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