Sunday, February 23, 2014

For He is Greater than All of My Fears (2.23.14)

Quiet your heart before the Lord. 
Commit to Him those situations in your life that are difficult.

Lord Jesus, 
You said that in this world I will have trouble, 
but that I should take heart, for You have overcome the world! 

Hallelujah Lord! 
You are greater than all of my fears. 
You are more powerful than all the forces of darkness 
that wage war against my soul! 
You alone are Lord! 
May Your name be great and proclaimed loudly in and through my life!

Forgive me Lord, 
for the times that I do lose heart, 
and for those times that I am overcome by the world. 
Please intervene on my behalf before Our Father.

Dear Father, 
Give me eyes to see that my momentary troubles 
are achieving for me an eternal glory 
that will far outweigh them all! 

And may I be found worshiping You 
in the midst of the obstacles, challenges, and trials of this life. 
Remind me constantly, by the Holy Spirit, that I am not home yet. 
Empower me to persevere and endure hardships in my life 
for the sake of Your name and the formation of Your character in me.

I acknowledge that You know all my ways, 
and that You will bring me through the storms in my life.
Refining me as gold. 

May the trials I face teach me to obey Your Word. 
May my faith be proved genuine and result in praise, glory, and honor to You. 

I confess that You alone are GOD, 
there is no other and I trust in Your name alone to save me. 
I rest in Your sovereignty and hope in Your name as I wait on You.
For You have searched me and You know me and everything about me 
- when I am still, when I am busy, where I go and what I do.
You know all my ways and every thought I have. 
Even before I speak a single word, You know it. 
There isn’t anyplace I can go, where You are not there.

Thank You Father,
that even the heavy darkness that seems to engulf me at times,
is as light as a feather to You. 
I praise You and acknowledge that every day of my life 
has been ordained for me by You. 

Therefore I submit myself to You alone 
and stand against the schemes of the enemy
in your son, Jesus’ name. 


John 16:33  ;  2 Corinthians 4:17 ;  Revelation 2:3; 
1 Peter 1:7  ;  Isaiah 44:6  ;  Psalm 20:7; 
Psalm 139:1-16  ;  James 4:7

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