Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Mother's Day Prayer (5.8.16)

Father GOD,
Thank you for this special day that has been set aside to honor Mothers all over the world. 

Touch and bless each and every Mother, this day, with a special blessing.
Touch and bless those mothers whose relationships are strained with their children - Father repair those relationships in the name of Jesus. Jehovah Lord you have made Mothers to be special for your creation and we thank you for that blessing. Let the works of every mothers' hand forever bless her loved ones, as she leads and guides them in a direction that honors and worships You. 

Father GOD, as you know, Mothers go through so many trials and tribulations constantly and yet they still manage to stand through it all and I know it's because you have made women to be strong as you walk beside, in front and behind them. Touch those Mothers who have not been mothers to their children, only you know why things happened the way they did; but nevertheless, please repair that broken relationship, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I pray that all children will honor, love and respect their Mothers; not just on this day, but every day, forever and always. Your Word says that we must honor our Mother and Father, that our days will be longer. 

Thank you for blessing us with Mothers 
for they truly are special, and the works of Your Hands.

In the name of Jesus,



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