Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ignoring the enemy's Lies (11.20.16)

Faith Believers,
Below are just 2 of the types of lies the enemy tells us
to make us become discouraged with what the Lord
has promised us.
  • Lie #1: “If GOD is in control and he’s allowing you to suffer, then he cares more about his own glory than he does about you.”
    This lie is so subtle, because it’s true that GOD’s glory is His greatest aim. However, He also knows that we will be more satisfied, more content, and more joy-filled in His glory than anything else. GOD is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

    the enemy, however, wants us to believe that GOD’s glory is at odds with our happiness. But it's actually to the contrary.  It is because GOD wants to bring us into unspeakable eternal joy, that He allows short-term pain for a time (1 Peter 1:3-9). He knows that it often takes the painful process of pruning us, for us to realize why we were created.

    In these times it may appear as though GOD doesn’t care, but He does. We were created, not only to bring GOD glory, but to find our ultimate satisfaction in Christ, which does bring GOD glory! GOD allows all suffering to bring us to that place as undeserving forgiven sinners, basking in His glory.

  • Lie #2: “If GOD really loves you, He would answer your prayers for that new job or promotion, spouse, or baby, and protect or repair your reputation, etc.”
    satan hides himself in the prosperity gospel. he knows that we would recognize his evil ways if he tried to convince us of an obvious lie, so instead he preys on something more reasonable such as our unmet desires.

    When something “good” is taken from us, or a desire isn’t met, the enemy tempts us to conclude that GOD isn’t really good (see Asaph’s response in Psalm 73). The thought, “If He really loves me and I have enough faith, He will give me what (I think) I need,” is so close to the truth that it is easy for even a seasoned Christian to fall victim to this false way of thinking.
Even when I know GOD loves me, I can be quick to question his love and goodness when my heart aches over something I can’t understand.

I want an answer.
I want to know why. 
I want to find an explanation that comforts my confusion over devastating circumstances.

However, we aren’t always given those answers.
Instead, we are given a never-changing GOD and unshakable evidence of His Love through the Cross.
  -  Marilyn

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