Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I am Preparing You for Greater Things to Come (7.23.13)

Isaiah 41:10-13 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your GOD. I will strengthen you, yes; I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

It seems that you are being tested at every turn. 

I see you hanging onto your hope, wondering when is this pain going to end.

Oh My child, I know you don’t understand what you are going through right now, but it’s only a test.  So please don’t give up.  For this test will strengthen your character. 

I am preparing you for greater things coming your way, that you aren't ready to handle right now. You were not chosen by chance but rather with a purpose. For only I know the plans I have for you. My plans for your future are good and lovely.

Stop indulging in discouragement and self-pity. 

Those are not of Me, and anyway you don't have time for that. 
Cast all your fears upon Me and you will not be disappointed. 
If you lose your hope, you also lose your vision; therefore giving the victory to the enemy. 
The enemy knows that if he can cause you to fear, then he can also cause you to doubt the plans and blessings I have for you. If he does this to you, others that are waiting to be blessed through you will be affected too. 

Too much is at stake so hang in there, you can make it because it's only a test.

Also, don’t expect anyone else to encourage you. 

They are busy fighting battles of their own. 
It is time you rise up now and encourage yourself. 

That is what David had to do when the enemy was closing in on him. 
Your battle will be won when you enter into your prayer closet. 
There I will be waiting for you with divine instructions. 
There you will hear from Me, there you will be encouraged;
There you will be strengthened, and there I will teach you how to press through. 
I want you to be strong, confident, and unbreakable. Always trusting in Me.

Again, I say unto you, never give up, it’s only a test, now rise up in faith! If you feel the Lord is giving you the silent treatment right now remember the Teacher is always silent during the test!

- My Prayer Confession -
Heavenly Father,
I honor You and praise You this day, with all that is within me.
Oh Lord, I just lift up Your Holy Name!

Yes, Lord, Thank You for reminding me it’s only a test.
I will press my way through the trials and tribulations,
as spoken to me so many times.

Oh Lord, help me to know that You are guiding me through this valley
and all that I have to do is hold onto your hand.

It’s only a test!
Yes, Lord it’s only a test.

Thank You Jesus! 

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