Sunday, October 20, 2013

Open Your Spiritual Eyes (10.20.13)

My Child,
Do not worry about those who have come against you and who have seemingly shut you out. 
Open your spiritual eyes and you will see there are more people standing with you than there are against you. For I have both seen and heard, what has been done to you. I am not hindered by their actions, and neither should you be. Don’t be envious of what they are doing, for soon they will be cut down. You have been chosen to stand in My name and do the work I have called you to do. 
So stand in My name.

The enemy would like you to think that the door is shut against you, but it is only an illusion. The enemy can’t shut any doors that I have opened, nor can he open a door that I have closed. I have all power! You are to commit all that you are doing unto Me so that you will prosper in My name. Let Me be concerned about what the enemy is doing, I need you to stay focused on Me.

So, rise up and begin walking forth once more. 

Don’t allow the enemy to hinder the work that we have begun. You have only just begun to walk in My Name. You have only just begun to see My miracles that I will do, as you speak My Word. There is so much I have yet to show you.

You are anointed and chosen before Me. So stand strong in the authority I have imparted in you to defeat the enemy standing in your way. Speak to the mountains, and go now for the door is open. 

I AM with you, and I am always right on time. 
Now rise up, and do what I have told you to do!

- My Prayer Confession - 

Heavenly Father, 
Oh Lord thank you for helping me to understand 
that I shouldn’t be concerned about 
those who have come against me. 

I know for greater is He who is in me 
than he who is in this world. 
I know You are also standing with me 
and by me as I face my battles, 
and with You Lord, I can stand against anything and anyone.
I am suited up in Your armour Lord.
And yes Lord, we are victorious in Your mighty Name! 


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