Sunday, October 13, 2013

We Must Forgive as God Forgives Us - by Tracie Miles (10.13.13)

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness GOD desires - James 1:19–20 (NLT) 

I had been lied to, betrayed, and hurt. I was angry and felt I had every right to be. Anger crushed my desire to forgive. Although I'd asked GOD to fill my heart with mercy, I kept a running mental list of justifications for my anger that overrode my empty prayers. 

My internal dialogue was one big argument. One voice tried to convince me I was justified in remaining angry; another voice tried to persuade me that mercy was the right choice. For months, the loudest voice was the one that indulged my damaged emotions. I thought to myself, yes I have a right to be angry everyone would agree.  

Listening to the voice of bitterness and unforgiveness, I often lashed out with impatience and meanness. I could play the good Christian girl for short periods of time, but if something triggered my suppressed emotions; hostility and resentment catapulted to the surface. 

Reading Scripture one morning, I sensed GOD inviting me to consider the direction my anger was taking me and the damage it was doing. As I read the words from James 1, I couldn't help but notice how it says "everyone" should be slow to speak and slow to anger. This truth from GOD's Word left no room for my excuses or righteous indignation, even though I felt like my anger was justified. A few verses later, I read this: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says - James 1:22. 

From a worldly perspective, I knew I had every right to be angry. But from GOD's perspective, my anger only added to the sin of the situation. My refusal to extend the same mercy and forgiveness GOD had given me was preventing me from living out the gospel. 

Through the words of James, GOD softened my heart. I acknowledged that although I said I'd forgiven this person with my words, I had not forgiven with my heart—and it was time to do so and move on. 

If we don't forgive those who wrong us GOD will not forgive us of our sins.

  --  Written by Tracie Miles

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