Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Trust is Faith that God will Come Through (8.29.17)

Faith Believers,
This really ministered to my soul and I wanted to share.
  -  Marilyn

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”


What happens when things go wrong unexpectedly?

We believed GOD and did everything possible but things didn’t go our way. Life happens, and no one enjoys setbacks. We can become sad or mad. So, how do we hold onto our peace?

In dealing with disappointment, it’s important to keep trusting GOD. It helps to fix our eyes on Jesus and embrace His faithfulness. We need to take Him at His Word and believe that He is still at work in our lives. Trust says, “I don’t understand how He will assist me in this mess, but I know that He will stand by me. I feel like I’ve been waiting for a long time, but he will still respond on time.” Trust is faith that He will come through.
Faith is positive and it expects something good to happen. After all, as Isaiah 55:8 states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord." Yielding to the Holy Spirit and trusting in GOD’s promises nurtures peace.

A spirit of thanksgiving can make a difference.
Praising GOD enables us to rejoice in Him.
It can lift the spirit of heaviness that has settled over us.

Remembering past victories will help us to get over disappointment. Since He has proven that He is faithful even in trials, we have no better option than to lean on our reliable GOD even when things make no sense.

He is creative, powerful, and He cares. Unwavering trust and faith despite the circumstances enhances peace. Thinking about how awesome GOD is can help us to stay calm and collected.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask you to help me to remain in the Word so I can cultivate greater trust in you. Help me to keep my mind set on You. Please give me peace that’s beyond understanding and strength to keep my heart and mind fixed on you Lord.

In Jesus’ name,

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