Sunday, April 27, 2014

Do not Quit on God, For He Will not Quit On You (4.27.14)

 **Someone needs to be reminded of this today**

Remember, discouragement is another way for the thief to come in and steal our joy. Perhaps you awoke today and felt just as bad as you did yesterday. And in a moment of weary resignation and discouragement, you cried out and verbalized fear from within your heart and said, "The Lord has given up on me.  He doesn’t need me anymore, I might as well give up."

I want to remind you GOD has not given up on you, and just because you made a mistake, that does not mean you are a failure. Look at some of the imperfect men who have gone before you. Let’s just mention a few. Let’s look at Samson, Moses, David and Peter. Were these men perfect? No, they were not. However, they knew how to recognize their mistakes, ask GOD for forgiveness, and get back up. 

It’s time for you get back up. 
Re-dedicate your life, restart your worship, reclaim your destiny! 

Start again!!

GOD assures us that He is ever so near to the brokenhearted, and saves those with a contrite or crushed spirit. Are you stumbling, or missing the mark, somewhere in your life at the moment? Are you ready to quit an assignment God gave you to do? Don’t let discouragement get into your spirit and push you to give up. GOD is so near to you; and if He is near to you, He is not through with you. 

Who told you to quit? Worship Him!!!

Don’t be surprised if God tells you to go right back to the last place you had a divine encounter, to reflect on how He made a way out of no way. Don’t say you are finished before GOD does. 

Never, ever forget that you are not in this thing alone. GOD is with you every step of the way, whether you “feel” Him or not. Be determined to stay right there with Him until He blesses you. 

Keep on dreaming, believing, climbing, and getting up again. 

Failures and stumbles are just another occasion for the Lord to bring unspeakable joy in your life. GOD is not through with you; don’t quit! 

Don't quit on GOD, He didn’t quit on you.

Psalm 34:18-19 - The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not

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