Monday, December 5, 2016

Ephesians 6:18, Praying in the Spirit (12.5.16)

Faith Believers,
When Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:18 to “pray in the Spirit,” he is urging us to pray as the Spirit enables us to pray; or to pray by the power and direction of the Spirit. In other words “pray in the Spirit” is not a command; it’s an offer of help, help that is available for any praying believer - anytime, anywhere.

The Holy Spirit is the great prayer helper and is eager to guide us in who and what to pray for. The Spirit is on the lookout for believers who will pray for what GOD wants to do. 
How practically does the Spirit do this? 
  • The Spirit may do it by giving you a burden, such a deep love and concern for a person or a cause, that it weighs on you. 
  • The Spirit may do it by giving you an unexpected thought, a thought that breaks in so abruptly that you ask, “Where did that come from?” 
  • The Spirit may do it by giving you a strong impression, a sense that the Spirit wants you to pray about something so that the Spirit can act in response to your prayer. 
  • The Spirit may do it by making a scripture verse come alive in your heart, so that you are reminded of a person or situation that needs prayer. 
The Spirit has control of our hearts and minds and emotions. The Holy Spirit can cause a burden, thought, impression, or insight at anytime to guide us in prayer. If you are not certain that a prompting to pray is from the Spirit, then ask GOD for the wisdom that He promises to give “generously to all” who ask in faith (James 1:5). Our Father God will give the wisdom that He promised so you can be certain.

It is no wonder that Jesus strongly urged believers to pray for the Holy Spirit and promised that His Father in Heaven would most certainly “give the Holy Spirit to those who ask” (Luke 11:13). 
If you have ever asked yourself, “What is the first step I should take in order to improve my prayer life,” then here is the answer. Ask the Father for guidance from the Holy Spirit, trust that God gives you the Spirit, and then lean on the Spirit for help in every aspect of your prayer life. God is willing, He is able and He Will do it.
  -  Marilyn

~ Prayer ~
Thank You Father,
for the gift of Your Holy Spirit!

Help me to be continually aware as the Spirit works
around, in and through me to encourage my heart
towards prayer.

May I be looking for the Spirit’s promptings
and burdens so that I never miss
an opportunity to pray as the Spirit directs!

Lord, I ask in faith for the wisdom You
promised to give generously, so that
my prayer life is filled with purpose
and is always in agreement with You!

May I never choose to lean on my
own understanding, but continually follow
the leading of the Holy Spirit all the days of my life.

In your Son, Jesus' Name I pray,


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