Monday, July 17, 2017

Isaiah 63:10 - The Consequence of Rebellion (7.17.17)

Yet they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he turned and became their enemy and he himself fought against them. - Isaiah 63:10

Faith Believers,
Is there any more grievous verse in Scripture? Those whom GOD loved, saved, redeemed, and carried; now turned their backs on Him in rebellion. Instead of responding in love and obedience as God had willed, they now sought only their own desires.

The result of their rebellion?
The GOD who wanted only to shower His Blessings
     upon them, now became their enemy
     and fought against them.

How is this possible?
How could GOD become the enemy of His own people?

As you read the rest of this passage, it becomes clear that the Lord had not rejected His people; however, their sin had consequences. Those consequences upon a rebellious people were so severe, it appeared that the GOD who previously was protecting them, had now turned; and was allowing disaster to overtake them.

My friends, do not allow yourselves to breathe a sigh of relief and say, “Whew, I’m sure glad that’s the Old Testament and not today. I’d hate to have GOD as my enemy.”  This is the unchanging, Holy GOD, who today still hates sin. He loves us enough that He will not leave us in our sin. Unrecognized, unrepentant sin still has consequences for the people of GOD.

~ Prayer ~
Holy Father,
Keep me from rebellion.
Forgive me for placing my desires first.

Pour into my life the spirit of repentance,
    that allows me to see sin
    from Your perspective and to hate it
    as You do.

Awaken my spirit today to see
    the grave consequences of unrepentant sin.

May I turn from sin and draw near to You!


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