Friday, April 27, 2018

A "Season for All Things" Love Prayer (4.27.18)

Father GOD,
Your Word says there are times and seasons for all things. 

Sometimes I am so weary and depleted that I simply need to rest in You, placing no expectations upon myself except to be yielded.  There are other times when I desire to draw close in the intimacy of communion, and there are times when I desire to celebrate and give thanks for Your goodness and faithfulness to me! 

Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking Me, as you promised. When the world closes in on me, please give me the strength to stand in Your Name and on Your Promises.

Father, I pray for those whom the enemy is using, because they are blinded by his works.  I pray for those who confess to knowing You, but their feet are swift to do and to say evil things. Your Word says this is an abomination in Your Eyes.

I pray for those who are standing in your presence every Sunday at church but continue to do, and speak, evil things on a daily basis. Your Word says You see everything and You hear every word that is spoken.

For all that have sinned and fell short of Your glory Lord, give us the strength to repent and ask for forgiveness when we have sinned against You.

Lord I thank you for being the Father that You are.
I know You love me and I love You always.

These prayers I pray in the name of Your Son,
     Jesus Christ Of Nazareth.


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