Tuesday, June 24, 2014

All Things Work Together for the Good of Those that Love God (6.24.14)

So many of My people have lives filled with hurt, disappointment, and disillusionment. 

But have I not said “all things are working together for the good of those that love Me?” Everything that has happened in their lives has been an opportunity for them to know me intimately. Now, in this season I will turn your mourning into dancing. 

My people will begin to see that the good and the bad have worked together for their good.

My Son had to be born a man, and walk this earth as man; so that He could relate to their hearts, their hurts, their disappointments, and yes even disillusionment. His ministry of interceding at My right hand is so powerful because He is familiar with the infirmities of My people. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and very acquainted with grief - still He bore the sorrow and grief of mankind through His intercession.

Those things that came to destroy My own, will make them. 

Those things that came at the hand of man, and through the wiles of the enemy; have only served to cause deep intimacy, deep cleansing and deep repentance in the lives of My own. Ah these, these are the people that I will greatly anoint and that I will greatly use in these last days. Those that have been broken by life, and its circumstances. For you see, first there must be a shaking, and then there must be a breaking, and then the making. I can only mold and make into the image of My Son those that have been broken.

In this season I will pour out My grace, and My mercy upon these broken ones. 

And I will restore it all. 

I will restore to those that which they have lost, and the glory of their latter house will be greater than the former. The sorrows that they have experienced will become My Glory, as I gently and lovingly breathe life into their broken souls and their broken spirits.

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