Saturday, June 14, 2014

Change is Knocking, Open the Door & Get Ready (6.14.14)

Psalm 52:9 - I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints.

My Child,
There are some new things about to take place in your life. 
Things that will cause you to be in awe of Me once more. 
Things will manifest that will amaze you. 

Be prepared as new beginnings knock on your door, and sooner than you think. Wonderful things will happen for you. Oh Precious One, can’t you feel it in your spirit? You should.  Because My Spirit is bringing a change in your life, and moving you into the fullness of My promises. Everything around you is beginning to change. This is the change you have been confessing, believing, and waiting for.

Get ready to move. You are going to move to a new place in the spirit. 

You will move into the fullness of what I have done for you and what I have promised you. Cast away your fears, your tears, your worries and dwell in the presence of the Living GOD. You have become the head and not the tail; the lender and not the borrower. You will reside in My presence, and be amazed at how your whole world has changed.

A change has come. Change is knocking on your door. 

Oh, what a time of rejoicing this will be. There has never been a day like this before for you. Change, change, change is knocking. Give Me the glory for what I have done. Give Me praise for the changes that have come into your life. This is the change you have been praying for. Bless My Holy name and bless it forever more. 

Open the door. Get ready for the change.

 - My Prayer Confession - 

Heavenly Father, 
Lord, I truly thank You 
for the change that is taking place 
in my life right now. 

Yes, Lord, I do feel it in my spirit.
All of my fears have been cast out of my life, 
as I get ready to move into the fullness 
of what You have promised to me. 

Thank You Lord for everything. 

In Your Son, Jesus' name, 
through which all things are possible


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