Sunday, August 24, 2014

You May Be Deeply Troubled, But You Must Trust God Through Your Trials (8.24.14)

Faith Believer,
Something is disturbing your soul. 
You are deeply troubled about something that you have no control over. 

The conflict in your soul is causing you to withdraw from others.  
You are wondering why there never seem to be peace within your soul. 
Why are you allowing this thing to consume you? 

Don't you know that GOD would never allow anything to harm you?  

Yes, people are scheming and planning to dig a hole for you to fall in; 
but don't you know GOD see and hear everything they are doing? 
When they hold their back room meetings, 
GOD is right behind that door - listening to everything they are planning 
and he will undo all of their plans, causing it to work out for your good. 

The Lord despises the evil doer, and His Word says that He will repay them 
for their evil at the appointed time of His choosing. 

So trust GOD through all of this and know that our ways are not his ways. 
His ways are higher than our ways. 

JESUS has promised to be with you through your trials,
so trust in Him; and regardless of what you see with your natural eyes, 
the enemy does not have the power to harm you 
if you believe and trust in GOD. 
May God's peace be with us,
- Marilyn Chaney

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