Monday, September 21, 2015

A "Thankful, Pouring, Allowances, Use Me Father God" Prayer (9.21.15)

Almighty GOD,

I Praise You, for You Are the
Heavenly Director of my days.

Your powerful Hands protect me.
Your gentle touch fashions me,
according to the beauty of Your Plan for my life.

Thank you for escorting me though this day.
Thank you for going before me and preparing the way.

Father God, Your nuggets of Truth are pure gold to me.
I will allow Your Scriptures to penetrate deep into my heart.
I will allow myself to be transformed by Your Word, this day.
Your plans are much better, much more wonderful, much more desirable
than any plan that I have ever dreamed of.
I will allow you to speak to my heart, and challenge me to elevate
to higher ground, as I worship You, Lord.

I pour out my strength, my time, and my will to You, Father.

Use them for Your purposes.
Use my thoughts, my emotions, and my will for your purposes GOD.
I give you my all.
I will Trust in You, to take me to my divine destiny.
I will look to You, and only You, Father to deliver me
from my enemies and protect me on This Day.

I pray this prayer,

In the name of Jesus, Your Son


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