Saturday, September 19, 2015

YOU Were Chosen to do Great Things! So Stand Strong & Do Not Be Weary; for God is Still in Control!! (9.19.15)

My Child,
What is this I Am seeing?
So many of my people are giving up on their ministries.
Some have become weary from the journey,
but this must not be so with you.
I Ask that you would stand firm, and do not
back down at the enemy’s attempts to derail you.
That is all he can do, is try to tempt you.

Having done all… STAND.
Do not fear the enemy.
Do not allow him to intimidate you.
I Am still in control.

I have assigned certain duties to your hands,
and certain people to be blessed by you.

If you stop now those waiting to be blessed by you will be affected.

You have been running the race, but you must run it with patience.
You have been faithful to do all I have asked of you,
and I Will reward you for a job well done.
I keep My Promises!

Do not let the enemy cause you to fear.
Do not let him cause you to miss what I have for you.
Do not fear him. He is no threat to you.
Keep your eyes on Me.
You are more than a conqueror through Me.

You were chosen to do great things.

So, do not allow yourself to be intimidated by those who
can kill the body, but are unable to harm the soul. 

Do not be weary, and do not back down.
Stand strong My Warrior, and continue to run the race set before you.
You will see that My Grace is sufficient for ALL your needs.

Meditate on God's Word: Galatians 6:9

~  My Prayer Confession  ~
Heavenly Father,
Lord, I am not going to give up.
I will press my way.

I know the enemy is trying to tempt me to give in,
but I am Determined to Stand on Your Word
and hold on to Your Unchanging Hand.

Knowing that You, and You alone will see me through.
In Your Son Jesus' Name,

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