Friday, February 24, 2017

Choosing to be Thankful - A Prayer of Peace & Emotional Control (2.24.17)

Thank you for not letting my emotions control me this day. 

You know how easy it is for me to slip into
negativity or anxiousness when things
appear (appear) to be out of control.

Thank You that You have promised to be my Rock.

You give me a firm place to stand
when I look to You for my stability.

Help me to cultivate a grateful heart, to see even the smallest of Your blessings; and in that moment, let gratefulness arise within me.

Thank You, that when I offer my praise and thanks to You, even in moments when it feels hard to do, You use it as a door to come in and work on my behalf.

Help me not to allow other people’s emotions dictate how I feel.

Give me Your peace today.
May I trust You with what robs me of that peace.

I give You my concerns about the things that are going on in my workplace, and I thank You that You are at work on my behalf.

I choose to be thankful today.

Thank you Lord!!


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