Monday, May 29, 2017

The Privilege of Praying in Jesus' Name (5.29.17)

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete - John 16:24

Faith Believers,
By offering to let us pray in His Name, Jesus is offering us an amazingly great privilege. It’s as if He is giving us blank checks to be drawn on His account, knowing that we will use them for His honor and His advantage.

Jesus is demonstrating great trust in us. He is trusting that His honor and His interests are safe in our hands. Consider what it would mean to place your estate in the hands of another person: your credit cards, your home, your investments, your automobiles, your responsibilities, everything. You’d pick that person very carefully, wouldn’t you? You’d really be giving that person control over your life and your future.

That is essentially what Jesus did
     when He authorized us to use His name in prayer.
He gave us authority over His accounts.
He asked us to exercise control over His estate,
      the Kingdom of GOD.
-  Marilyn

~ Prayer ~
Lord Jesus,

Thank You for the powerful privilege
     of using Your Name to accomplish Your purposes
     in and for the Kingdom of God. 

May I be a good steward of all You have entrusted to me.

Praise the name of GOD (Matthew 6:9)!

Thank GOD for revealing his name to you through his Word and Spirit (Exodus 3:15)
Confess times when you have misused the name of GOD in word or deed. 
Commit yourself to living in a way which hallows GOD’s name.
Ask GOD to glorify His majestic Name in all the earth (Psalm 8:1).


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