Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Peace Prayer (7.2.14)

Almighty GOD and Loving Shepherd,
You are Jehovah Shalom - the GOD of peace.

Your Word says,"Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! 
He lets me rest in the meadow grass 
and leads me beside the quiet streams." - Psalm 23:1-2 TLB

Lord, you give us rest and lead us beside quiet streams. 
Thank you that you are helping me to hear your gentle voice. 
Thank you that you are helping me to be able to follow you to the quiet streams.

Lord, you say your ways are ways of pleasantness and all your paths are peace. 
Thank you that you want to guide me to a new level of peace.

Help me to find your comforting peace.  
Help me to follow your peace. 
Show me how to muffle all the noise around me.
Show me how to rest in your arms.

Your Word tells us, do not to be afraid of people and their reactions. 
May I begin to let go of any anxiety about what people think of me 
and know that you are the only one I must worship.

I know that you love me Lord, so help me to draw closer to you 
so I can feel your peace which surpass all understanding.

I pray this prayer in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 


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