Saturday, April 23, 2016

Ephesians 4:32 - We Must Forgive Each Other, the Way God Forgives Us (4.23.16)

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ GOD forgave you - Ephesians 4:32

Faith Believers,
Jesus went from village to village announcing that His Kingdom had arrived, that forgiveness of sins was happening; and that GOD was transforming his people, at last, into the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Wherever people responded to his call, He gave them instructions as to how they should live, as the new-exodus people, the forgiveness-of-sins people. They were to live as Kingdom-people.

In particular, having received GOD’s forgiveness themselves,
they were to practice it amongst themselves.
Not to do so would mean they hadn’t grasped what GOD was telling them to do.

As soon as someone refused to forgive a fellow-member, he or she was saying, in effect, “I don’t really believe the less Kingdom has arrived.” We must forgive each other the way GOD forgives us each time we profess our sin. Regardless of the depth of hurt and disappointment; forgive those who hurt, mistreat and use you, because GOD has witnessed everything that happened and He will fix it in His own timing.

No deed will go unnoticed by our Father, whether good or bad. 
  -  Marilyn

Heavenly Father,
Your life was a consistent demonstration of forgiveness
and I want to follow Your example with everyone in my own life. 

Show me how to be filled with grace when my heart is angry,
and teach me to be unoffended when others
hurt my feelings or step on my toes. 

I want to be known by Your character,
as I extend mercy and forgiveness to those around me,
so that Your Kingdom can be lived out fully in my life.

In the name of your sons Jesus Christ,
I pray this prayer.


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