Friday, April 22, 2016

Prayer Starts with God (4.22.16)

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with GOD’s will - Romans 8:26-27
Faith Believers,
For years I believed that my prayers started with me. I had to think them up. I had to get GOD’s attention. Not surprisingly, with this frame of mind, prayer was often a chore. I learned that I was wrong. Prayer doesn’t start with us. Prayer starts with GOD. That’s the radical idea that changed my prayer life.

GOD is the initiator.

He moves us to pray.
He gives us prayer ideas.
He holds out the promises we claim in prayer.
When we pray, we are GOD’s instruments.
GOD is at work in all our praying. He makes His will known to us, so that we will ask for the very things He longs to give us. Out of love, He want us to pray for others; so that, in response to our intercession, He can pour out blessings on them.
And it’s the Spirit, says Paul, who makes our prayer possible.

We don’t know what to pray, but we don’t have to. The Holy Spirit is there, revealing GOD’s Will to us in the Scriptures; and bringing GOD’s prayer concerns to life within us. The Holy Spirit is nudging us through circumstances and opening our eyes to the needs around us. Searching our hearts and trying our ways so that we can be brought to true repentance.

The Spirit is revealing the glory and the goodness of GOD,
so that our prayers will be filled with praise and thanksgiving.
   -  Marilyn

Lord GOD,
What an amazing and awesome privilege it is
to know that You have made a way for all of my prayers
to originate in Your heart, so that they are heard and answered.

Thank You that I am able to have access to the throne room
of Heaven, because of the gift of Jesus Christ.

Help me to be continually aware of the prayer
you have placed upon my heart,
so that I can be a faithful kingdom intercessor.

Teach me to listen carefully to the voice of the Holy Spirit
so that I am always ready to accept each prayer assignment
You are pleased to give me, Father God!

I worship You, King of kings, for loving me so much
that You desire to partner with me to accomplish Your purposes!



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