Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Jesus is Full of Hope, Love and Forgiveness for Us (4.19.16)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Our almighty GOD, in the form of a human servant, came to reach out to you, me, and all people. We can be followers of Jesus. Remember, there has never been another person like Jesus. He leads us straight into the presence of our heavenly Father.
Jesus is perfect in His love for others, His power over evil, His compassion for people and His hatred of sin.  His understanding is endless, and His joy is deep.

He drew all kinds of people to Himself when He lived on earth. His presence was like a magnet to those who needed hope. He is everything good, and people really wanted to be around Him.

He is truly one of a kind, full of hope, love, trust and forgiveness.

Father GOD,
Give us the eyes to follow You.
Make our hearts yearn for Your presence.

Assure us, as we attempt to follow You
in our imperfect ways.

May our pleasures be found ONLY in YOU!!

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