Friday, October 2, 2015

Calm Yourself, Come into God's Presence & Seek His Wisdom. Do not Quit..... (10.2.15)

My Child,
You have gone through too many battles to give up now.
Do not quit.

I know it’s hard to keep going when there seems to be no end in sight, but stay with what I have given you. Yes, there are some things you should turn loose, but do not quit on the things that I Have given you to do.

Calm yourself, come into My Presence
and seek My Wisdom as to what
you should hold onto and what to let go.

I know your beginning and I know your end,
therefore, I know what’s best for you.

If you ask of Me, I will give you the wisdom and the strength that you need to hold out. I will give you confirmation in your Spirit, and a sense of timing about the things you need to let go.

Beloved, have Faith in Me, and do not become discouraged.
I Am working to bring a lasting change in your life.
I Am keeping My Promises to you.
Now, I need you to do yours, hold on, and do not give up on Me.

Meditate on God's Word:  
Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 

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