Saturday, October 17, 2015

God's Call & Gift are Upon Your Life. You Cannot Quit, for There is Work that God has Called You to Do. (10.17.15)

My Child,
I have said it once, and will say unto again, you cannot turn back now.   
Your calling and gifting I gave to you are without repentance.
I have not changed My mind about choosing you.

I Am not a man that I can lie,
nor do I make a mistake in whom I call.

I knew this day would come where you would feel like this.
I have come to you now to let you know
that I Am with you in the midst of all your suffering.
You cannot quit because I need you.
Yes, I need you to finish The Work I've called you to do.

Your wounds and pain have been speaking to you.
I know your pain has become intense.

It seems as though it will never quit...  And you are ready to throw in the towel.

However, I promise that the pain will be turned into rejoicing. Look at all the pain Moses, Elijah and Joseph endured; and how they wanted to give up, but at that critical moment - I stepped in and I NEVER left them.  I was with them in the midst of their suffering. It was I who said ENOUGH, and pulled them out of the fire.

I Am the only One who knows when you are ready to be removed from the fire. 
You may feel that you have gone through the fire,
and that you are ready to come out.
You must not come out before your time.

Pray and Trust Me, Beloved.
You are being refined.

I Am the One who will say ENOUGH!!  I know when you are ready. Now, I say unto you, be careful that you do not listen to the voice of the enemy, who will seek to discourage you.

This is a critical moment for you.  And it would be far easier to turn back and seek a life of ease, than to press your way through to your Blessing and the Kingdom. However, if you do turn back, you would give up all the precious things that I've placed in your life, such as My Calling and My Gifts to you. 

If you turn back now who will help My People?
If you turn back now who will set the captives free?
If you turn back now ,and do not give your testimony to others
about how I brought you through, how will they know that I am real?

I say unto you, no man, having put his hand to the
plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of GOD. If you turn back, My Spirit will be grieved. Keep your hand to the plough and do not turn back. You have come too far to give up now.

Remember the Vision I gave to you?  

Keep this Vision before you,

set your face like flint towards that Vision.   
Surely, your reward will come.

I have given you the strength you will need to take your stand against the enemy; and to continue in your calling. You cannot allow the enemy to stop you.

So, I say to you, do not quit, you must never quit.
Do not think of turning back.

Know that I Am the Lord your God, Jehovah. 
Nobody and nothing can stand toe to toe with Me.
I have all power, over everything.
I Am GOD, all by myself.  There is no other!

Meditate on His Word:
Romans 11:29 - For the gifts and calling of GOD are without repentance.

Luke 9:62 - And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of GOD

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