Monday, November 23, 2015

A Focused, Prayerful, "Prayer-filled" Prayer (11.23.15)

Father, Jehovah,
You are a GOD of order and purpose.
You desire Your people to seek to do Your will
and fulfill Your kingdom plans, but yet many times
we are focused on our own needs and concerns.

Father help us to be about doing Your business.
While we seek to do Your will, keep and protect us
from the evil one, by the power of Your Son's Name, Jesus Christ.

May we, Your children, be united together with one mind
and one heart, so that You alone receive glory!

Father, I also ask in the matchless name of Jesus that
You make me aware of the plans and schemes of the enemy,
so that I may recognize his work and rebuke him.

Father, Your Word is quick, powerful and
sharper than a two edged sword.

I know You have power over all things, but please help me
to pray for those who rejoice in doing the work of the enemy.
Give me the courage to tell them that You love them, and so do I.

I will pray they will repent of their sins.
Lord, Your Word says that You wish that
no one will perish, so help me Father
to pray for my enemies always.

I pray this day Father that You will
send someone this day into my path
that I can share the Word of GOD with.

This prayer I pray to You this morning
Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.


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