Monday, June 27, 2016

An "I Speak, I Stand, I Bring, I Call. All in the Name of Jesus..." Prayer (6.27.16)

In the name of Jesus, I'm praying for those who have been crying out to you; and I speak new life into their situation.

I speak to every crooked place in their lives, and I call those places straight, in the name of Jesus.

I stand with them as one in the name of Jesus; and bring the blood of Jesus against the attacks, the fear, and every plot and plan coming from the enemy; and send those attacks, fears, plots and plans fleeing back to the enemy’s camp double fold.

Lord God, I speak to the storms that are tossing those who have been crying out to you, here and there, and I call all their storms to cease, as You flow peaceful blessings into their lives in the mighty name of Jesus.

Lord, I bring the blood of Jesus against the hindering spirits of the enemy that have been trying to confine those who have been crying out to you, into darkness and despair.

I say in the name of Jesus, they have been loosed and set free.

Lord, remove the feelings of hopelessness, which causes those who are crying out, to feel as though nothing is working out and every door they approach is being closed in their face.

For we know, all things work together for those who love you and are called according to Your purpose.

And Lord, Father God, You called us, You chose us, because You love us. Jesus, dispel the darkness that all of us may be feeling and shine Your Light on Your children's situations - right now, and strengthen us to stand on Your Word in the name of Your Son, Jesus!


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