Monday, June 20, 2016

Arise & Step Out in Faith. Are You Ready to Move with God? (6.20.16)

My Child,
I see the pain in your heart, as you sit at the crossroads,
forcing yourself just to exist,
feeling nothing but spiritual and emotional burnout.

You’ve grown weary of waiting to see the fulfillment of My promises.

Let Me remind you, you shall receive your healing,
along with the restoration of things lost.
However, in order for this to happen, you must move beyond your crossroad.
You’re shut down and sitting at the crossroad because of hurt and abandonment.

You’ve separated yourself from everyone you once trusted, even Me.
You’ve allowed depression to hold you hostage.
Now, here you sit, feeling sorry for yourself.

It’s time for you to step around this crossroad, and keep moving.
It’s time to cross over.
It’s time to stop saying, “I have nothing left to give.”

Each time you repeat this, that’s exactly what you’re left with . . . nothing.
Deep within your heart you know that all I’ve promised shall come to pass,
but right now your pain is talking.

Do not allow the pain to continue to speak.
Arise and step out in faith.
Are you ready to move with Me?
Arise with your faith renewed.
I’ve spoken to you Beloved, now meditate on My Word
and let Me know you are listening.

Today's scriptures reading :
Deuteronomy. 2:2‐3  ;   Psalms. 116:8  ;   Galatians. 6:9 

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